Mineral Name Aurichalcite
Dynamo Collection Code A-5B-2011-0023
Nickel-Strunz Classification 05.BA.15
Dana Classification 16a.04.02.01
ICSD 75323
Mineral Group Carbonates
Discovery Location: Dal'negorsk, Kavalerovo Mining District, Primorskiy Kray, Far-Eastern Region, Russia
Image Description: July 31, 2011 -- A small sample of aurichalcite. Crystal sample dimensions approximately 30mm x 15mm x 20mm. Images of the sample show the light violet colour and vitreous lustre of the mineral.
Author CherryAnn Villa

This is a sample image of aurichalcite, from Russia, which can be found on the MIROFOSS database.
©2011 - C. Villa, Photographer

This is a macro image of aurichalcite, from Russia, which can be found on the MIROFOSS database.
©2011 - C. Villa, Photographer

This is a dimensional ruler image of aurichalcite, from Russia, which can be found on the MIROFOSS database.
©2011 - C. Villa, Photographer